Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cutesy Cake Pops Enhance Party Fun

Cake Pops from Le Petit Buttercup

I found these fun cake pops via "I Spy Montreal's" blog, where Jessica Howard did a Q&A with Le Petit Buttercup owners, Erika MacPhee and Stephanie Rondeau.  I think their style would please any food stylist.  Take a peak at their inspirational story of home entrepreneurship here:

Calling Savory Palates!

Although I love delicious and succulent treats, there are times I crave the savory side of my palate.  Savory cookies could just hit the spot.  I searched the www and found several companies selling them but that often limited the choices to mundane cheese sticks....Then I discovered the perfect resource at "GrownUp" These epicurious treats are created by Kelly Cooper a West Valley educator with a fascinating blog about her baking passion.  I can assure you that these cookies favor an adult palate.  The names alone are enticing and yield a crave curve that has me heading to the kitchen, cause your not likely to buy these at the grocers.  Here is just a sampling of their flavors: Grapefruit with Poppy Seed,  Pesto and Cookie Shot (Tequila).  These treats are great for an evening affair such as a dinner or cocktail starter, and for those who can't give up their sweets, there is chocolate with caramel and sea salt (Sweet Moment & Salty Tongue).  Yes, very addictive I am certain. If you've tried any of these treats, I invite you to share your experiences.

      Pesto Cookie-Walnut, Orange Zest, Parmesan Cheese, and Fresh Basil (photo by Frank Anzalone)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Just Add VODKA!

It is no secret that I love strawberries and get so excited when I find new ways to experience this delicious and succulent fruit.  I'm not a drinker, but there are times that warrant a nice chilled beverage with a kick.  You could brave the heat and commute to the nearest establishment, but why bother with the drive, parking and solicitation of  a designated driver.  The most reasonable option is to take those left over strawberries and purpose them into an infused vodka beverage.  I tell you that it was so easy even a kid could do it, but of course this is an adult only indulgence so make some lemonade pops for the kiddies. 

Here I used the Strawberry Infused Vodka recipe from Shutterbean @ provided step by step instructions, and the photo's above.

                                         STRAWBERRY INFUSED VODKA, By Shutterbean
Makes about 2 1/4 cups vodka (depending on how much you squeeze out of the strawberries)

  • 2 pints fresh, ripe strawberries quartered
  • 750 ml vodka
Combine the berries & vodka in a seal-able container large enough to contain it all. Seal, and store in a cool, dark place (like your pantry) for 3 days, or up to a week, agitating daily. Strain with coffee filters or cheesecloth. Store and serve well chilled.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Glitzy Ritzy!

Hello glam foodies!

Today I discovered a trend from Hollywood that has been burning the up the internet glam scene for a couple of years with a glitzy nail technique called Minx Nails.  Recently that craze has inspired a luscious metallic lip to match. It is not a lip stick or a lip gloss, but a vibrant metallic foil lip color. What fascinates me is the resemblance of the lip gloss technique to my CoCo Roux glitzy "Luxe Berries" & edible glitter cake truffles.

You can get the look online or in the salon at, Glitzy Lips  by Athena in Houston, TX. and,  LipPop by Sheer Essence Salon in Jacksonville, Fl. What a fun and delicious combination to have glitzy glamorous lips while experiencing decadent CoCo Roux treats! Of course you can get the luxurious and delicious cake truffles and treats at online store.  Take a peak and tell me what you think!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Summer of CoCo Roux!!

The summer is definitely hot, which is really an understatement in my book! I've been a Houstonian for more than 20 years now, and I am always amazed at the heat. In homage to the blazing heat, CoCo Roux has also decided to turn up the heat on all our treats. We've been working really hard, redeveloping our website, launching this blog and cooking up new treats. So, as the summer heats up, look out for lots of new things from me! Stay Tuned!