It is no secret that I love strawberries and get so excited when I find new ways to experience this delicious and succulent fruit. I'm not a drinker, but there are times that warrant a nice chilled beverage with a kick. You could brave the heat and commute to the nearest establishment, but why bother with the drive, parking and solicitation of a designated driver. The most reasonable option is to take those left over strawberries and purpose them into an infused vodka beverage. I tell you that it was so easy even a kid could do it, but of course this is an adult only indulgence so make some lemonade pops for the kiddies.
Here I used the Strawberry Infused Vodka recipe from Shutterbean @ provided step by step instructions, and the photo's above.
Makes about 2 1/4 cups vodka (depending on how much you squeeze out of the strawberries)
- 2 pints fresh, ripe strawberries quartered
- 750 ml vodka
Combine the berries & vodka in a seal-able container large enough to contain it all. Seal, and store in a cool, dark place (like your pantry) for 3 days, or up to a week, agitating daily. Strain with coffee filters or cheesecloth. Store and serve well chilled.