Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Guilt Free Luciousness

Photo courtesy of James Carrier via
For Once I would like to have my cake and eat it too!  Well be careful what you ask for.  My friends at Sunset  have loured me over to their side with a irresistible "low fat" chocolate cake.  I can hardly say those words without skepticism, however if looks are any indication of taste then I am in for one dark chocolate date before the month of love is past. 

Chocolate Creme Brulee (Courtesy of
If that does not move your hoot then just imagine all of the goodness of cream and pralines (Texas staple) in a creme brulee but kicked up a notch with, yes your right, CHOCOLATE! Talk about irresistible. This chocolate creme brulee really can test a chocolate lovers insatiable craving and I confess there is going to be a losing conversation with myself. But, I am certain you can understand.

If you have any chocolate favorites feel free to share and leave comments.  Until next time,


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Get Ready for V-Day!

We are on the eve of the loveliest month of the year, Valentines day!  This is my favorite month because it gives me an excuse to be affectionate to just about all my family and friends.  :{ still looking for that special one though, but when I find him, I will be so ready! 

Frozen Fruit and Yogurt! Photo courtesy of Blond Asian on Tumbler

In the meantime I can share all of my sweet treats with you.  Since it is January, I am certain you are fresh off your resolutions so let's go lite and lovely guested it! Yogurt dipped strawberries!


1 lb Whole or halved strawberries (stems removed)
4 Tbsp Greek Vanilla Yogurt
½ c White Chocolate chopped
1 c Confectioners’ sugar
1 package (3 oz) low fat cream cheese
½ tsp vanilla

Melt white chocolate in a double broiler and set aside. Combine cream cheese, confectioner's sugar, yogurt, and vanilla  in the top of a double boiler. Blend until smooth then add white chocolate and mix well until smooth.  Dip the strawberries in the yogurt. Put on a sheet lined with parchment paper or wax paper and chill until firm or freeze!  Yummy!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy Re-New Life


Welcome blog world!

Okay, I am certain that we have all reflected on the well intentioned but often chided resolution cycle.  This year I am determined to break that habit and have a new found resolve in life changing “actions.”
I have adopted the New Life Resolution which goes far beyond the 365 day model and is much more detail focused and action oriented.  For one thing to shake up those habits I am not allowed to even awaken at the same time and in the same manner, however I do start the day off with a sincere praise to Jehovah God.  Yes, I am religious but not fanatical.
One example of my new life resolutions is to eliminate bad debt.  Well once said I have developed a plan of action and accountability with dates and time limits.  Each week I reconcile the debt and try to find ways to shorten the time-line.  This is so liberating and I recommend you try it with a friend for encouragement. 

What to expect in the next few weeks!  Contest!  Yes, CoCo Roux Treats is participating in a wish book giveaway on the Etsy store for Valentines.  So stay tuned for details and links!